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Extras Needed for Sheffield Short Film

Our last day of filming for 'I Love You, Guys' takes place on July 26th in Sheffield and we are looking for extras to be a crowd/audience for a live music performance.

Our short film explores mental health in the music industry and showcases a rising pop star who is battling with her demons during her first headline tour. The filming will be for her fictional Sheffield tour date and we need a group of music-loving extras to take part.

Filming will be at The Leadmill on Tuesday 26th July between approx 5pm - 9pm.

You need to be on the guestlist to attend, so please fill out our survey with your details below to join:

Or get in touch at and use ‘SHEFFIELD EXTRA’ in the subject.

Over 18’s only. This is an unpaid role. Individuals acceptance to join the filming will be at the discretion of the production team. Terms and conditions apply.

Give us an email for more information!

Static Flow Productions



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